Monday, August 13, 2012

Her face, Clock Face

It's like a mirror or a window into my soul, my Ipod face.
It shows what I love, who I am, what I feel and what I need.
And right now, it is displaying her face. Her beautiful face.
I want to believe she is trying to secretly look at me, through me, looking at my soul window,
my Ipod.
But that is my silly wishful thinking, I think I am gonna listen to Glutton for Punishment.
I wonder if she can tell that I am not sleeping, I wonder if she can tell I am singing about her,
singing to her.
I wonder if she can tell I want to look at her so bad, look through her too, but I know she would be Opaque.
I wish I could just look at her the whole ride into town.
Oh wait!!! She is turned away and looking at her phone, I can look at her.
But that would be creepy…
I know I can look at her face through the mirror of my Ipod face!
Oh….her face…
Framed in metallic green…she is so opaque.