Monday, October 27, 2014


Everyone has to have heard of Operation Sunshine, the whole atomic bomb thing.
The euphemism for this war crime would be called Operation Hot Mess Likes Chai. 

Which obviously a mastermind would counter with Operation Silent Weirdo Who Is Not Obviously Stalking Hot Mess Starts Laughing At Hot Mess. 
Maybe we could use acronyms. 

Still terrible. 

Why exactly am I thinking about this? Oh right,
 she is staring right at me 
with a look that could sear my already burning skin 
off my bones.
 Little does she know I am already burning. 
Partial first degree burn from her obviously espresso chai. 
Partial third degree burns on my ego 
because I hadn't thought this far into the scenario in my mind. 

I can't even think quick enough to just give her the library card. Oh I am way more suave than that.

"I can't hear anything you re not saying with that jaguar in the background."

Smooth, huh?

Monday, August 27, 2012

Gathering the Troops

"The first thing we have to do is investigate the enemy for weaknesses. Like allergies or deep rooted fears. Do you know if he is allergic to bees?", Tink says over the espresso machine, the leopard sound that always reminds me of jittery fingers and too many ideas to get off my tongue. Tink always orders the Detox tea and refuses to add anything to it, commanding that it centers her to the earth better if she doesn't dilute it with all the chaos of society. Then she only takes about three sips before complaining that they always make it too cold and then refuses to drink the rest. personally I believe this is all because it tastes like shit.
     "Tink, I don't want to hospitalize him. I want my library card back."
     "But then you would have to return the Music Box to complete the cycle of karma."Tink refuses to listen to mp3 players of any kind, or tv, since they also add to the chaos of society. If she were a book, she would be Centering the Earth to You: a how to about becoming a hypocritical earth worshiper.
     "What if I don't mind being a cockroach in my next life. I bet I would get a little roach library card and read little roac-
    "How can you stand idly by while he fondles your listing of books and judges you openly for what you read? You know I bet right now he is looking at the list from when you were fifteen and thinking how dumb you are for reading Twilight! Hahahaha- Ooooaph."
    She was being nonsensical so I did the only sensible thing. I socked her in the shoulder and went up to the great leopard to receive my prize. A spiced chai with two shots of espresso. One sip and there I am, the perfect warrior. I know my spear would be wit and I would get my card back. I can be brave and the shaking isn't from excitement or fear, it's from caffeine high obviously.
     "Clearly she doesn't mind her soul being rifled through or she would be a true warrior and, very bravely, walk up to the library manager and ask for a new damned library card." Charlie the every present dampener. He would be The Memoires of a Party Pooper and his unenjoyment of everything. This reminds me that this has been blown way out of proportion and I would be better off just acting normal an- 
    There he is, I mean here he is, what the actual fuck! he cannot take this too. I mean first he is on the bus, then in the library and now here, he cannot take my sanctuary, my atmosphere, the only oxygen i can breathe without a book in hand. this is my sacred space this is my leopard sounding esspresso machine and my 'the usual, girlie' greeting. My place, mine minemineminemine- oh. my. god. I. think. he. saw. me…What would miss bennet do, what would Weetzie Bat do, what would Jacky do, what would belle do, what should I do…-
    I dived down below our fake table and hit my head of Charlie's knee and Tink begins to squeal with excitement and I spill my Chai all over the floor and myself and finding a year old napkin under Charlie's chair I finally stand up after the agonizing three seconds it took to find out this was not at all what I should have done.
What I say instead of the truth is, "I accidentally spilled my drink, damn, I shouldn't have tried to clean it up without a better napkin." while holding up year old napkin that I cannot help but imagining only semen or blood on and pretending that it was always mine.
"He didn't even see you." -Charlie. 
This makes me feel much better. And then I turn around. I take back what I said before, Charlie would be titled The Memoirs of a Liar who Lied and Then Died because he was  Liar.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I wonder

Is she sick?
I hope she is okay.
I hope she isn't sick.
I wonder if she is lying in bed right now all feverish reading Inkheart.
That is the oldest book she checked out and she still hasn't returned it.
That's how I know she is sick. She has
I also happened to use her library card that I picked up ages ago to pay off her fines.
I figure she deserves to have a few freebies.
I did however lose my Ipod…The world as we know it has stopped.
Work is so boring and slow and horrid with out music.

There was one interesting thing that happened across my way.
She, I know her last name is Jameston, placed on hold a list of CDs.
They are my top ten artists.
No, I mean it.
The ten that would be listed on my ipod that is AWOL right now.

Of course you know this means war.


It is the end of the wold as I know it….
I saw him again. He works at the library,
The glutton for punishment.
The glinting green ipod boy.
And now I have an overdue fine because I refuse to go to the library.
He is there, he has always been there.
He has seen me every day, knows everything about me from my library account.
That means he knows everything.
He knows every book I have ever read….
Oh god. What have I done to myself.
I will never read again.

Then again, on my way out of the library I found a beautiful and terrible treasure,
like in Treasure Island. 
It is green and metallic and it holds his entire mind.

So right now, he has the device that tells my soul.
And I have his ipod, his innermost realities.
Every song he could possibly fit.

Of course you know this means war.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Her face, Clock Face

It's like a mirror or a window into my soul, my Ipod face.
It shows what I love, who I am, what I feel and what I need.
And right now, it is displaying her face. Her beautiful face.
I want to believe she is trying to secretly look at me, through me, looking at my soul window,
my Ipod.
But that is my silly wishful thinking, I think I am gonna listen to Glutton for Punishment.
I wonder if she can tell that I am not sleeping, I wonder if she can tell I am singing about her,
singing to her.
I wonder if she can tell I want to look at her so bad, look through her too, but I know she would be Opaque.
I wish I could just look at her the whole ride into town.
Oh wait!!! She is turned away and looking at her phone, I can look at her.
But that would be creepy…
I know I can look at her face through the mirror of my Ipod face!
Oh….her face…
Framed in metallic green…she is so opaque.

Glutton for Punishment

Its perfectly metallic, and green, which happens to be my favorite color. And here he is just pushing its silver buttons like no body's business, pretending no one is watching intensely. Can I see the purpose? No. I'm going to ignore it, I am going to pretend it doesn't bother me that he wont lean his ipod out far enough for me to see the song he is gently moving his lips to.
I can't do it, I can't ignore is head leaning against the bus window, regardless of the slamming of the bus against his headphones. What is the bumping of the bus goes to the song he is listening to?? Perhaps it's rap and I can forget about him entirely.
It isn't rap, he is moving his lips far to slowly. Maybe I should offer him some water, he seems to have dry lips. What the hell?! That would be super weird and creepy. Okay. Ignoring him and listening to Regina Spektor. That is what I will do.
Oh my god, he is the green and silver face towards me! Now, I will finally see who he is! He is listening to… Glutton for punishment, by an unknown artist….
Must look up on phone, must figure out what artist, must listen to song so I can move my lips like his, exactly like his...

Monday, June 25, 2012


She sauntered (yes, sauntered. Because the word is used too little to be tasty anymore) over to the teen section and began to tap the spines on the books one by one starting with Abbot and moving on down the list of paranormal romances and coming-late-of-maturity-but-yet-comming-of-age stories. One after another she tapped. Then she stopped. Is this it, the book that will devastate her heart for another entire night? No. She scoffs as the cover reveals a young woman in a flowing dress draped either in blood, darkness or a tangle of vines. Tap. Tap. Tap. She stops at a book called Fear, interesting. One word usually denotes a sort of poetic simplicity. Now for the cover. The side of a girl's face with curly lettering over her and the words 'can she blank or will she blank'. The answer is always yes, she can or yes, she does. No, I will not. Tap, tap, tap. Now she is in the letter D. Imagine, the entire alphabet is awaiting her arrival and she just skips over every imagining between A and C. Tap. Tap. Ah…hipster title, cover is black and white, only words. A world record in this shelf's world, she turns to the back cover. 'Boy upset at parents, girl upset at world. Will they find….'. Inner shrieking insues. Yes! They will! TAP. TAP. TAP. Pause. 
      If there was a back cover for her story it would start with 'will she find that devastating book for the night??' and it will be riveting to millions of teens that don't know that for once the answer would not be yes she will, but maybe. Her cover will be blank, because she would never read her self if she had a cover. 
     Tap. Tap. Here. Sandwiched between the romance of an angelic person and a demon (who is obviously not really evil or no self respecting nympho teen girl would read it), and girls being vicious, but other girls rising above it (because weirdness is way cooler than we think). The title is               anti-grammar and the cover is the back of a postcard. The back cover starts with 'Shut up and read me.' and the inside cover is blank. The author doesn't even have a picture of herself on it. She taps the cover lightly and bites the inside of her cheek. She closes her eyes and opens to the first page. 
      I imagine her telling me, 'if I want to turn the page I will read the rest. And so on.' I imagine her talking to me at all, that makes me devastated by being creepy. I watch as she quickly reads three pages and begins to smile. I feel a certain sense of giddy pride. Never again will I pick up a book at random and rip open the contents like that lascivious demon in the romance next to the greatest book on earth. I never considered the teen section the seed of happiness until I met Vervain. I also never tried vervain tea until she dropped her library card and I, a hapless creep confiscated it and waited, taping it lightly against the front desk where I left off my political pins and band tee's because librarians are not allowed to have opinions. Tap. Tap. Tap. I found my devastation.